How to Withdraw

To withdraw funds from Bybit, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click "User Dashboard" from the left-hand menu.

  2. Select "My Asset" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Before proceeding with the withdrawal, make sure you have confirmed the network you would like to withdraw your funds on. After this, click on the "+" sign to link your wallet with the network you prefer for withdrawal.

  4. Once you have confirmed the network, click on "Withdraw"

  1. Select "Withdraw Network"

  2. Select "Withdraw Account"

  3. Fill up the amount of USDT

  4. Click "Confirm"

Note: If your Bybit account type is UTA, please select "Unified Account" as the withdrawal option.

  1. After clicking on [Confirm] for withdrawal, you will be requested to fill in your 2FA in order to proceed with the withdrawal.

  1. Your non-custodial wallet will pop up and require you to "confirm" the transaction to withdraw. Then, wait a few minutes to proceed with the withdrawal.

After clicking on the confirm button for withdrawal, please ensure that you do not click it again while the transaction is being processed.

  1. Wait for 1 to 3 minutes, then check the transaction status through User Dashboard > My Asset > History

If the Status shown "-" with HxID, means your transaction has been completed.

If the Status shown "Claim", means your transaction has been failed. You may need to click on "Claim" button to proceed again for the transaction.

What If Your Transaction Failed?

  1. If your transaction failed, check the transaction status through User Dashboard > My Asset > History, then click on 'Claim'.

  1. Your non-custodial wallet will pop up and require you to 'confirm' the transaction to withdraw. Then, wait a few minutes to proceed with the withdrawal.


-Please ensure that you have sufficient $ETH on the Arbitrum One network chain to cover the gas fees when withdrawing your $USDT funds.

Last updated