How to Claim $POT Rewards

To claim your Proof Of Trade rewards, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click "Proof Of Trade" in the left menu.

  2. Select "Proof Of Trade" from the drop-down menu.

  3. Enter the amount of POT you would like to Claim. Click on "Claim".

  4. Click on "Claim".

Note: Make sure your unmanaged wallet has selected the correct network chain before topping up, as this will determine the network on which you will top up your funds.

  1. Your unmanaged wallet will pop up and ask you to "confirm" the withdrawal transaction. Then, wait a few minutes to make the Claim.

After clicking the Confirm button to withdraw money, please make sure that you do not click again during the transaction processing.

  1. Wait 1 to 3 minutes, then check the results in Proof Of Trade > Reward History.


-Please ensure that you have sufficient $ETH on Arbitrum One chain to cover the gas fees when claiming your $POT rewards.

-After clicking on the claim button, please ensure that you do not click it again while the transaction is being processed. If you click it multiple times, you may end up paying double or more gas fees. You can check the transaction status in the activity section of your non-custodial wallet.

-The settlement for $POT rewards, both for trading and referral, will be process based on 24hrs trading data that is recorded from 16:00 UTC to the next day's 15:59 UTC. The settlement for $POT rewards will be process at 04:00 UTC the following day.

Last updated