How to Swap $POT to $USDT?

To swap your $POT to $USDT, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click "Proof Of Trade"

  2. Click "POT Swap"

  3. Fill up the amount of USDT

  4. Click "Approve", your non-custodial wallet will pop out to approve the transaction.

  5. After clicking 'Confirm', your $POT Swap will be processed. Please allow a few minutes for the withdrawal to complete.


-Please ensure that you have sufficient $ETH on Arbitrum One chain to cover the gas fees when swap.

-After clicking on the approve and swap button, please ensure that you do not click it again while the transaction is being processed. If you click it multiple times, you may end up paying double or more gas fees. You can check the transaction status in the activity section of your non-custodial wallet.

Last updated