How to Bind 2FA to TraderDAO Account

An extra layer of security to your TraderDAO account and better protect your funds from potential security breaches or unauthorized access.

  1. Download Google Authenticator or Authy from the Play Store or App Store.

  2. Log in to your TraderDAO account.

  3. After logging in, the Google Two-Factor Authentication prompt will appear.

4. Scan the QR code or copy the code provided in your TraderDAO account with your Google Authenticator or Authy App.

Don't forget to save the QR code and the code for future reference in case you need to recover your 2FA.

5. If you are using Authy, which can be downloaded from the Play Store or App Store, open the app and click on the "+" sign.

5. If you are using Google Authenticator, which can be downloaded from the Play Store or App Store, open the app and click on the "+" sign.

7. After scanning or filling in the code, you will need to select your TraderDAO account and copy the 2FA code.

  • For Authy, press the "copy" icon to copy the 2FA code.

  • For Google Authenticator, press the code to copy it.

8. Fill in the 2FA code that you copied from either Google Authenticator or Authy, then click "Verify" to complete the binding process.

9. After binding your 2FA, every time you log in to your TraderDAO account, you will need to fill in the 2FA code generated by either Google Authenticator or Authy after entering your account ID and password to proceed with the login process.

Last updated